Have not seen them live since heaven and hell / white heat days. They still bring it and the songs are fantastic. At 50 the mosh pit thing still makes me laugh, but i stay clear. Saw a guy in the bathroom with a cut on his eye saying "im told old for this". When Mike’s son came on stage to play that was one of the highlights , damn that kid can play and seems to have that "attitude". Great show, mix of tunes was balanced, and about lost my voice singing along to dear lover. Hoping for "bye bye baby" "ghost town blues" and suprised no "machine gun blues". Best song/performance of the night for me…."cant take it with you". They just killed it, and if you just stood there you were probably dead. Not used to seeing Social D with back up singers and piano, but then again i havent really followed the band since "heat". The show was tues night, bought the new cd hard times on weds.
Show Review: 816
Mon, October 21, 2013